Time to Talk – by PayPlan


We recently celebrated Time to Talk Day (February 1st), the nation’s biggest mental health conversation.

The annual awareness day, by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, is a day for you. It’s a chance for you to be open with your friends, family, online community, and work colleagues and come together to talk, listen and change lives.

Talking about mental health isn’t always easy, and sometimes it’s even harder to say how you really feel. But a conversation has the power to change lives. The more conversations we have – whether that’s online or in person – the better life is for everyone.

What is the link between mental health and debt?

We understand that mental health and mental illness can be closely intertwined with debt. Problem debt can be a major worry for many people, and being in a poor financial situation can trigger or add to mental health problems.

In late 2023, our ‘positive impact of debt advice’ survey highlighted the close links between our client’s mental health and their relationship with their finances.

When asked ‘how worried are you about your debts?’ pre-debt advice, our clients’ average ‘worry rating’ score was 9/10. Additionally, 94% said debt had negatively impacted their mental wellbeing.

After receiving debt advice, the follow-up survey revealed:

  • 100% of clients were less worried about their debts
  • 90% of clients said their mental wellbeing had improved
  • 97% felt clearer about the way forward and what to do next
  • 93% felt more confident about managing their money
  • The average rating clients gave their PayPlan adviser was 9.3/10


How do you take part in Time to Talk Day?

It can even be as simple as texting a friend. However you do it, start a conversation about mental health and take time to listen to who you’re speaking to.

You could go for a group lunch at work and discuss the things that are important to you or things that are worrying you – if that’s money, then we’re here to help. You could even leave a sticky note on someone’s desk; there’s no right or wrong way to discuss mental health.

If you’re not at work, you could go for a walk with friends and family.

Don’t put pressure on yourself. Time to Talk Day is all about discussing mental health – and just letting somebody know you’re there to listen could completely change somebody’s day.

While this is a UK-wide campaign, you can also get involved in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland through See Me (Scotland), Time to Change (Wales) and Inspire (Northern Ireland) respectively.

If you need additional support with mental health

Here are a number of specialist mental health organisations that may be able to support you:

  • Rethink Mental Illness – if you need practical help on issues such as mental health, community care, welfare benefits, medication or living with mental illness, contact Rethink Mental Illness by visiting their website to find your local branch
  • MIND – advice and support for anyone who is suffering from mental health issues (depression, bi-polar, anxiety, suicide ideation, psychosis). Call 0300 123 3393 or text 86463
  • Campaign against living miserably (CALM) – is leading a movement against suicide. Speak to a member of the helpline team, call 0800 58 58 58
  • SHOUT – the UK’s first 24/7 text service, which is free on all major mobile networks. It’s a place to go to if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help. You can get in touch by texting 85258
  • Samaritans – for anyone who needs to talk to somebody anytime they like, in their own way, and off the record – about whatever is getting to them. They don’t have to be suicidal. Call 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org


If you need additional support with debt

If you are struggling with debts call us on 0800 072 1206. We’re open from 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am – 3pm on Saturdays.

Alternatively, you can visit our www.payplan.com/workplace-wellness to speak to us via live chat or for more information.

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Vita is an award-winning, CQC registered healthcare provider