Spring Marathon Running – Last Minute Tips


If you’re running a Spring marathon check out our last minute prep and race day tips below.

The last few weeks

* Taper 3-4 weeks before your event
* Reduce mileage by 1/3
* Longest run 3-4 weeks before your event (3hours/16-20miles)
* Use as a dress rehearsal to avoid chaffing
* Diet preparation – high carb – low fat – increase 3-7 days pre race

On the day…

– do have a good breakfast, that you have practised before to avoid an upset stomach
– do eat a light meal about 3 hours before if your race is later in the day
– do drink approx 500ml 2 hours before
– do snack 1 hour before
– do take disposable clothing to wear at the start line
– do use vaseline for moving parts to prevent chaffing
– do put your name on the front of your top for cheering
– don’t wear anything new
– don’t start too quickly, despite your excitement or nerves
– don’t drink or eat anything new that you haven’t tried in training
– do keep well hydrated with water/ isotonic drinks but not too much. Little and often
– do visualise, it’s a powerful self-motivational tool. Breaking the marathon into sections in your mind setting small goals can help.
– good pain, bad pain? If you feel unwell during the event (dizzy, faint, headachy, nauseous) seek medical advice. It is normal to feel muscle soreness and discomfort during and up to a week after a distance event. If your symptoms last longer then seek medical advice on how best to manage the issue.
– lastly … enjoy yourself!

The finish

– smile!
– replace fluids and carbs
– keep moving gently
– arrange an exact meeting point as it’s really busy

Post marathon

– take it easy for 2 weeks
– active recovery using gentle low impact exercise and stretches

Remember if pain or problems last more than a week seek advice, book an appointment with our running experts for PhysiotherapySports MassagePodiatry.

Visit us at our ten clinic locations.

For further information or to book please contact us

020 8778 9050                 enquiries@cppg.co.uk               W. www.cppg.co.uk

Online booking is also available.

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Vita is an award-winning, CQC registered healthcare provider