New Self Referrals and PhysioDirect NHS Service Pilot


Our NHS Physiotherapy Services division has run a successful pilot for a new NHS Outpatient Service allowing patients from 5 Bromley GP practices to self-refer.

Self-referral enables NHS patients to access physiotherapy as a first point of contact, rather than wait to see a GP and then get a referral.  This improves patient access and reduces the risk of conditions becoming chronic and as such improves patient results. Once the patient has self-referred they are called within 4 days for an initial telephone consultation, termed ‘PhysioDirect’. The tele-consult is to understand the patients history and symptoms and to then direct care appropriately.

Nicholas Downing, Head of CPPG NHS Services says:

‘The Pilot has been a real success and as such has been rolled over to continue for the pilot practices.… We have had very encouraging feedback so far from patients coming through the Pilot and GPs using the referral pathway. It saves GPs time which is a huge help with the chronic shortage of GPs and pressure on their caseloads/patient lists. There is reduced ‘wait time’ to access physiotherapy treatment; patients have access to a Charthered Physiotherapist faster with a positive outlook for their wellbeing and lifestyle.

Click here for further information on CPPG NHS Services 

Click here to Contact Us and speak to one of our Reception team about NHS PhysioDirect.

Click here to read further research about the pilot by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP)

Page added: 25/05/2017

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Vita is an award-winning, CQC registered healthcare provider