Recovering from injury often requires rehabilitation exercises that are gradually progressed over a number of weeks. Group Exercises Classes are small rehabilitation groups that are specifically designed to deal with common injuries or conditions that patients experience. When supplemented with at home exercises the vast majority of MSK conditions respond very well to consistent and progressive exercises over 12 weeks. Group Exercise Classes are a safe and effective way to help patients recover and get consistent support to learn suitable exercises and progressions for the first six weeks. Exercising in a group environment i.e with other people with the same or similar condition provides:
The exercises in a class are prescribed and performed for various reasons including strengthening muscles, improving the cardiovascular system, and developing or maintaining physical skills like balance. Our physiotherapists are experts in prescribing the right exercises to resolve various problems e.g., low back pain, early osteoarthritis etc.
What is involved?
Group Exercise Classes are delivered on a rolling program so patients can access them at any time. All we ask if for patients to be able to commit to a regular time every week to benefit from the classes.