NHS IAPT services by Vita Health Group - guidance for GP's and healthcare professionals.

Vita Health Group is dedicated to ensuring that accessing the IAPT service is as easy as possible for GP’s, healthcare professionals and patients.

The IAPT Service provides a stepped care model ensuring patients receive the least intensive treatment to promote a reliable improvement.

We specialise in treating people with common mental disorders of low to very severe severity but non-psychotic by nature. These will be people classified in clusters 1, 2, 3 (and higher non-psychotic clusters dependent on clinical assessment).

Mild to moderate and moderate to severe depression
Panic disorder
Health anxiety
Post-Traumatic-Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Social anxiety
Generalised anxiety disorder
Specific phobias

The IAPT Service is not suitable for people assessed with significant risks. The service is suitable for patients where the likelihood of acting out is very low and the impact would be minor, not requiring medical intervention. Examples include patients who have suicidal ideation but with no plans or intent, and patients who may superficially cut or scratch but not requiring medical intervention. With regards to safeguarding issues, the patient’s illness would have only very mild impact, if any, on the safety or wellbeing of others.

Referring to the IAPT service

Referring to the service is simple. There are two options:

Website: The Vita website has a dedicated page for each NHS IAPT service here. This explains the services, the support available and details on how to refer.

Phone: Using a dedicated telephone number we have a team of professionals ready to assist the patient.

Free resources

We provide a range of free resources to support you. These materials help you promote the service in your surgery and provide information directly to your patients:

  • Patient leaflets – the leaflet is to have in the waiting room for patients to look at.
  • Referral cards – Small, pocket sized cards to give to patients with all the information they need to self-refer and save the GP time.
  • Surgery posters – these work best when placed in the reception and waiting room areas


To find the resources for your NHS IAPT service then simply select the appropriate button below.

Vita is an award-winning, CQC registered healthcare provider