GLL Sport Foundation (GSF) is a national programme that supports local athletic talent to compete at the highest level and ultimately towards International events. CPPG has a longstanding relationship with GSF, providing physiotherapy support to their athletes who benefit from fast diagnosis and treatment to minimise the impact of injury upon their training and competition goals.
“GSF supports athletes across 73 areas of the UK via financial support, physiotherapy, a ‘Better’ Gym membership and more. In 2019, GLL is investing over £1.6 million into the development of local athletes who aspire to follow in the footsteps of athletes such as Susie Rodgers, Dina Asher-Smith and Lutalo Muhammad.
Double Olympic Taekwondo medallist Lutalo Muhammad explained:
“GLL is a fantastic organisation paving the way for ordinary young people like myself to compete at the highest level. When I first started to compete internationally GLL was my only source of funding and I can sincerely say but for GLL, I would not have transitioned from a skinny kid that loved sport to an Olympic medallist, I’ll never forget the help I received.
“I am now focussed on Tokyo to complete my medal set and I am proud to be a GLL Sport Foundation ambassador now and into the future”.
Over its 10 years, the GLL Sport Foundation support has yielded 33 Olympic and Paralympic medals for GSF athletes over its 10 years. Athletes can apply for support in 2019 at‘
Read more about CPPG-GSF sponsored athletes and how physiotherapy has helped their athletic career
Crystal Palace Physio Group
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GLL Sport Foundation